
New Member
Oct 7, 2008
so i got my blasty yesterday :) but i could only ride it for a couple minsa cause we had to go to dinner (got home late, think the motor in the truck blew :() so i got home today and got on my quad and after playing with the kick start i got to run. we live on a semi main road and we have neighbors on eitherside, but blocked by trees. and this being my first time really riding it i was having fun, and i was out there for MAYBE 20 mins, when 2 neighbors walk out and just start yelling at me about how im so disrespectful and how they put up with our crap (i race stock cars so were workin on cars,we have no garage yet). like, if you have a problem, ask nicely like maybe be like "hey, thats loud do you think you could stop" or something like that. cause it was the first time ive riden it other than putting around (that thing has POWER!!!)
so that was my day
If it happens again, just rev your blasty when they start yelling at you, should see a frustrated look on their face....
My neighbors are nice and never complain, the guy in back of me doesnt care because hes got loud trucks and such, and the two to the side of me just mind there own buisness...

And as long as your not making too much dust or anything they have no say in how much you drive unless your out too late.

Good luck... Hope you can ride without having too many little biotches on you.
i am seriously so supprised. like you guys have no idea. i live in a totaly urban area right, 10 feet between houses, small yards/backyards and a relativly quiet area. i rip my blasty like every couple days and so far id say about 30 times ive ripped around my area on the roads whippin and so far, no one has even SAID anything to me, forget cops. its weird.

btw i used to live up in a small northern town, everyone new eachother, everyone was a redneck and we all had loud toys lol. i wish those days. sucks moving to a f*cking city with all these spoiled kids that dont know sh*t about life after you've lived up in a beutiful town for 13 years.
well me and my father went and talked to him. i guess its settled but im not gunna get into it again and find a different place to ride. he said "it was just to much" 20 mins too much? excuse me? and my father started gettin pissed about how he called me disrespectful and sh*t. i would be more than glad to stop if he asks nicely. but if the dealers open were takin it there to get my kick start fixed
They can't do anything as long as you are not out to late ridin and making a lot of dust or just to piss them off tell them if you would have said it nicer I would have stop, then just go and rip it up and pull cat walks just to piss them off. I even ask the local police and they said as long as you aren't out late you are fine.
damn!!! Sucks to be you!!! sure am glad that I've been blessed w/ cool neighbors
im happy with my neighbors...we live in a brand new houseing community and all the ppl that live on my street all ride tagetha and help eachother out with are toys...i love them bitches...=)
btw i used to live up in a small northern town, everyone new eachother, everyone was a redneck and we all had loud toys lol. i wish those days. sucks moving to a f*cking city with all these spoiled kids that dont know sh*t about life after you've lived up in a beutiful town for 13 years.

i live in sonora ca. small hick town and a lot of ppl ride but for every rider ther is a liberal envirmentalist that is very against ohv's and where i did ride (for testing next to my house like for jetting and suspenion adjustments) it was on a golf course and i talked to the owner cuz to get to the place id ride i had to cross the golf course on the cart path, he said if i went slow i could get to the place on the other side.... anyway id ride on this football feild size peice of land that had a small stepup and drag strip that i built this teacher that live on the same road would get out of his car and stand right in front of me when im rippen in 3rd and make me swerve to miss him and boy would he start beachhhing on and on call the cops id ride in to the woods and get back to my house.....then so i find a place in the middle of no where in the mountains above my house and there happens to a nother enviro freak and would hear us on the trail to get to this place where there is a track and hill climbs ect (its the sh*t) well he would wait till he heard us come back on the trail and he would get into his truck and follow us home to beach how me and my friends destroyed the land in the past year! but last time i checked rain and enviroment makes more ruts and trees fall then quad tires do he bamed us for all of it!!! i hate neighbors and ppl in general who dont like to ride cuz its bad for he earth. so when i tune my bike up now i rev the shyt out of it in my drive way and they cant do sqwat cuz its on my proporty an after 7am and before 10pm!!! eeeeee boy how you like me now!!!!I:II:II:II:I
i hate neighbors, they always call the cops on me.

i know how you feel i live in the city so rideing around the neighborhood is out of the question an the people across the street hate me they sit on their porch all day trying to catch me doing anything they love calling the cops for dumb sh*t
my neighbors give up they know there nothing they can do about it....My next door neighbor is chief of police and he smiles and waves as i drive by on my unregistered suzuki. And yea basicaly i can ride all i want as long as its before 830 or 9 ish at night. and i usualy wait till 9 in the morning to start her up unless i am taking right off for the trail.
Yea it sucks living in the city. We were at my brothers 2 weeks ago riding in a small field across from his house. He lives on a dead end road. We even had permission to ride there. We were riding and 2 cops and a sheriff come hauling ass down the street, they get out all pissed off because of the neibor callin 3 different times in 30 minutes. They were going to geve us all $77 tickets plus tow the quads. They ended up being cool but found out in Kansas City, Kansas you cant ride a quad dirtbike or anything without a permit, which you cant get unless you are involved with shriners or the Kansas Speedway or own a farm and can prove thats what it is used for. They said they can tow it even if your not riding it, if the wheels are touching the street your getting a ticket. So here even if its private property you still cant ride. ITS f*ckED UP
Yea it sucks living in the city. We were at my brothers 2 weeks ago riding in a small field across from his house. He lives on a dead end road. We even had permission to ride there. We were riding and 2 cops and a sheriff come hauling ass down the street, they get out all pissed off because of the neibor callin 3 different times in 30 minutes. They were going to geve us all $77 tickets plus tow the quads. They ended up being cool but found out in Kansas City, Kansas you cant ride a quad dirtbike or anything without a permit, which you cant get unless you are involved with shriners or the Kansas Speedway or own a farm and can prove thats what it is used for. They said they can tow it even if your not riding it, if the wheels are touching the street your getting a ticket. So here even if its private property you still cant ride. ITS f*ckED UP

im in kansas city kansas too an you cant ride anywhere around here i have to go to valley falls to ride bout an hour drive from the city unless i wanna try perry an last time we went there they were closed due to rain :(
i live in a small village an my family own a big 90acre field across the road so i let it rip in dat wen i can! but i still cant resist tearin down the housing estate even if i go slow the looks i get an got reported more than once bu yet cops still haven cum an i hope they wont lol
an i'm the only person in the area that has quads an my uncle, so pple jus dont understand ....
think u guys have it bad?????? i have two ahole neighbors! first one is a bald guy that happens to be divorced, second one is a dude that moved from the city with his biotch wife,a daughter,and his son. the family from the city spoil their children like crazy!

all they do is whine! i don't ride until 10 or 11 in the morning and they always complain if i ride at 6:30 and legal limit is 9:00???? i mean why the f*ck should they complain if they aren't sleeping at 6??? even if i don't ride everyday they just whine.

the city guy stands on his porch and pouts. i have offered to the bald guy that i wouldn't ride as much but its just like he wants it to stop completely he does not understand what riding my 4 wheeler means to me.

i don't even try to piss them off on purpose and they just cry all day