extended steering stem diy

Thanks for the phone number bro, have some rep.. Do you know if that is the right part number, that is a very odd number..

yep its the right number just leave off the ! if they give you any slack over the number just describe the pieces you need and they will know what your talking about.
I'll bet the [ ! ] is just punctuation at end of sentenace I:I

yep its the right number just leave off the ! if they give you any slack over the number just describe the pieces you need and they will know what your talking about.

Thanks, i could not decide if the ! was the end of the sentence or the end of the part number, and i did not want to sound stupid when i called lonestar and used the ! in the part number, so i thought i should just sound dumb and ask my blaster bros if the ! was part of the part number...lol