Yeah I got to agree with you there too. I've seen some pretty crazy sh*t on other forums.Although I'm still a newb here, I can honestly say that the complaining and fighting is pretty minimal as compared to some other sites; that's why I joined. There are a lot of strong opinions, but that's as it should be.
I say good job on all fronts.

When ever you get a forum based on one specific topic its always bound to be clicky, thats just the way it goes. This place really isn't THAT bad, theres always going to be a few trolls on a forum.. the mask of unianamousy( don't think thats spelled right) usually brings out the worst in people. But we have to rebember, we don't need a mod to babysit us, if there is someone when don't like, is acting like an ass, trolling ect. as a forum we can band together and boot him out, we don't have to sit there and keybored race with them.
Also most blaster owners are dumb kids and newbs, they are usually bound to be whiny and cuase probles (not saying they all do... we've all been a newb before)
Best thing to do when someone is trolling/ or buffoing you around.. ignore them! All they want is attetion, they want you to get pissed.