Everybody stop complaining and fighting!

Although I'm still a newb here, I can honestly say that the complaining and fighting is pretty minimal as compared to some other sites; that's why I joined. There are a lot of strong opinions, but that's as it should be.
I say good job on all fronts.
Yeah I got to agree with you there too. I've seen some pretty crazy sh*t on other forums. :o
When ever you get a forum based on one specific topic its always bound to be clicky, thats just the way it goes. This place really isn't THAT bad, theres always going to be a few trolls on a forum.. the mask of unianamousy( don't think thats spelled right) usually brings out the worst in people. But we have to rebember, we don't need a mod to babysit us, if there is someone when don't like, is acting like an ass, trolling ect. as a forum we can band together and boot him out, we don't have to sit there and keybored race with them.

Also most blaster owners are dumb kids and newbs, they are usually bound to be whiny and cuase probles (not saying they all do... we've all been a newb before)

Best thing to do when someone is trolling/ or buffoing you around.. ignore them! All they want is attetion, they want you to get pissed.
I have been sitting back and watching a lot of the stuff that has been going on. Really to me it makes the forum not a fun place to post at. You get new stuff or work done and you post about about it, and half the people like it and the other half just bash you for what you did. Lets keep this place clean. People lean a lot from this site. My blaster did not go from a little 200cc 2 stroke to a full built, full size quad overnight. It took research, and a lot of that was from this wonderful site. Thank you guys for all of your support. I know cbaber appreciates it. Lets just got out and have fun....with our blasters!
But.... (here it comes) If someone is talking completely out of their blow hole, I see no reason why they shouldn't be called out ASAP. You don't wan't guys who don't know jack giving bad advice. That's rare here as far as I can see, and opinions are different altogether, but if a guy is just 100% wrong, I say throw the book at him!
But.... (here it comes) If someone is talking completely out of their blow hole, I see no reason why they shouldn't be called out ASAP. You don't wan't guys who don't know jack giving bad advice. That's rare here as far as I can see, and opinions are different altogether, but if a guy is just 100% wrong, I say throw the book at him!

throw the book? why not the house lol.
I'm not gonna lie i get involved in some of these arguments on the forum its hard for me not to get into an argument i love them
I have been sitting back and watching a lot of the stuff that has been going on. Really to me it makes the forum not a fun place to post at. You get new stuff or work done and you post about about it, and half the people like it and the other half just bash you for what you did. Lets keep this place clean. People lean a lot from this site. My blaster did not go from a little 200cc 2 stroke to a full built, full size quad overnight. It took research, and a lot of that was from this wonderful site. Thank you guys for all of your support. I know cbaber appreciates it. Lets just got out and have fun....with our blasters!

True that!!!!It is fun to watch a b*tch fight somtimes.Only somtimes.Not all the time!
(thinking to myself)......thank god theres not a lot of female members on this site.....id shoot myself lol[/QUOTE]

i think there are alot on here .... the ones that complains about pipe<think bout pipes>
Theres nothing wrong with disagreeing with someone or correcting someone on information that they've given if its incorrect. The problem that I've been seeing is people bashing others or posting unneccessary/rude comments.
yea im about done with this forum anyways....... tired of alot of things on here... sometimes some of the kids on here on so childish that i wish o could get my 10 bucks back from becomimng a memmber.......
This is not at any one person.I just don't understand why if somone don't like what the tread is about,why they have to start mashing it.It's simple!If you don't like what the tread is about.Just go to another one and keep your mouth shut.
----im glad to see someone said something about this again..
ever since i've been here.. and i've been here a few years.... there were always little "cliques" of members who stuck together against the rest.. and people formed those "cliques" almost ALWAYS because of one person f*cking bashing someone else's equipment.. and all the people of a certain brand would stick together.. and as i return after my long absence.. i see it is still pretty much the same way..

CC is very right in saying stop bickering like a few prebuescent girls..
thanks guys..
This is not at any one person.I just don't understand why if somone don't like what the tread is about,why they have to start mashing it.It's simple!If you don't like what the tread is about.Just go to another one and keep your mouth shut.

Damn straight!!! I:II:II:I
I agree. Now lets not start with this whole age crap, because some of us "kids" act more mature than these so called "adults" so thats a poor example.