Engine Question


New Member
Sep 15, 2010
Well this question is really stupid but i need to know the exact answer. So what does rebuilding the engine mean? Does it Mean just taking it apart and and cleaning and putting back together?. or does it mean to replace gaskets and rejet and all that stuff? please respond. It would help me if i knew exactly what rebuilding an engine is.

The Noob
well that depends on what is wrong with it. typically a full rebuild consist of boring the cylinder to the next size a new piston and new gaskets. but if it only needs gaskets only replace the gaskets... but it is recommend that everytime you take the cylinder apart that you put in new gaskets. and usually the cylinder only needs bored out if the cylinder wall has been damaged by such things as a rings breaking piston breaking crank shaft breaking and a few other odds and ends.
well after 2 strokes sit the gaskets dry out so i would tear the engine apart clean it out replace all the gaskets and inspect the cylinder... the only way to tell if its damaged is to look at it.
a top end gasket kit on vitos is only 17.99


and there is no such thing as reporting a cylinder... you can get it ported if you are looking for a good boost in performance... they usually run around 150 bucks from flotek or wildcard (the two i recommend but they are all good) they will give you plenty of power over stock but usually require some other mods to get that power such as a new exhaust better air filter bigger carb.
ok So i get that kit rebuild the engine replace the gaskets with those and i should be good?..then in the future i will look into new exhaust and bigger carb.
yeah the exhaust and carb are some of your most expensive mods. i would look into getting a leakdown tester too... holeshotman sells them on here i think its 30 bucks to your door. this will make sure your new gaskets are not leaking... air leaks=death to blasters it makes them run lean
Yep i hope =) And just one more question what would be a good upgraded/better carb to get from the stock the one.
Well ummm the big bore is like $500? what order should i get them in? lol... im new to this stuff =S i was thinking new exhaust,carb,big bore. but should i do it in different ordered?
well the carb and the big bore will need to be pretty close together.. a big bore cylinder is gonna need more fuel and air to run good... so if you do all three i would look for a 34-35 mm carb, mikuni or keihin are good carbs
ok so i will prolly do the exhaust then the big bore and carb at the same time.... now what happens if i get the carb first and put it on without the big bore...will it mess anything up?