engine help please newb


New Member
Mar 15, 2013
Ontario Canada
hey guys how u doing i am a polaris tech never really have played with yamahas
got this bike ran it for a day go start it up on the trailer to out into the shed i hear the dreaded tink and would not re start look at the trailer only to find alum chunks on it. i have found they put a 20over piston in a 40 over jug and that it took the enitre skirt off i am picking up a 96 for the engine i am going to get my buddy that is a alum welder to fix the hole in the cases my questions are should i do a 240 top end with a +3 stoker or put back stock
any advice with this would be great thx guys
I would not have done a 240 kit if I had any bores left. I figured if I had to sleeve it I would buy a 240 sleeve. The power is made through porting, head mod, and bigger carb.
Don't gamble with a repaired hole if you have/or can purchase good cases. The head mod is where they shave and rechamber the head. Look up Ken occonor racing and give him a call. He will be able to answer all your questions.
I put the new motor in and get it runnig then worry about that POS motor thats already outta the bike and take the time to go through it later if you want to fund a worked over beast 240 kit sell the blown engine for 350 bucks (or what ever there going for)
Porting and a redesigned head will give a real nice power increase. I good pipe will add a good bit of power. I feel the 240 is a bit over rated.