electric problem!!


Aug 26, 2011
Pacific northwest, washington
i got a new 03 and up headlight and hood to put on my 89 and when i started it the light turned on for about 10 seconds then shut off, it wont turn back on, the light bulb is brand new and everything is hooked up correct.. the backlight works .
sounds like u r loosing connection use some of tht electrical stuff i forget the name but its a gel and adds connection or maybe u did blow the light out??
Try putting a lower Watt bulb in maybe your stator can't power that bulb at low rpm. Or it could be that your voltage regulator could be going bad but I don't know if they would come on at all then.
yep exactly the same.

Ya got me. If it powers the 45 watt, the 35 shouldn't be a problem. If there is a part number on the bulb check it against the OEM Yamaha part number or Google it. I think the Blaster works an unrectified 12 VAC. I would think trying to use a DC bulb would cause the dim to bright bulb but the DC bulb will blow at higher RPM's. Have you pulled to bulb and looked for corrosion in the socket? A little water in there will cause corrosion. If there is corrosion, don't try to scrape it out. Mix you up some baking soda and water (1 part baking soda to 3 parts water) and soak the socket in it for a few minutes. That should get it looking like new again. Of course with the socket off and unplugged from the bike. Clean the bulb end in it too, just don't dip the bulb in the liquid. The baking soda and water works great on corroded battery cable ends and battery terminals.
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