E2S Sucks, Blasterforum Is So Much Better

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Did you just not read the stinkin mess Detek313 (tjguthrie) created? Doesn't seem you really know what's going on even though you spent half the day on E2S yesterday! And he was on the forum last night too.. I don't get it being that this place is SOOO much better. His sales were politely moderated & he refused to follow forum guidelines. He brought this upon himself and brought me into this thread. Dtek started it, I finished.. That's how it went down and has nothing to do with you. Maturity? That was tossed out the window when this thread was created. What are you his wingman? This is his thread, let him stand on his own two feet and speak up for himself! The podium is yours tjguthrie!

actually i was talking about your apparent forum rules to ban members for speaking their mind on a forum that you aren't a staff member on. that right there shows that you are an elitist type of person who thinks his sh*t doesnt stink. as far as me logging on to E2S, im sorry that your admin has your forum setting set to a 12 hour refresh ratio for the online members because i was only on there long enough to look around and see the large circle jerk that you call a community. plus i wanted to see if i still remembered my password for that site since it had been over a year since my last login. Flowteck, i wasnt aware that you are a staff member there. i dont use that site enough to know them all. but if climb any hill and showtime are represenatives of your site, then i totally feel sorry for the staff of E2S for having to deal with children like this.
actually i was talking about your apparent forum rules to ban members for speaking their mind on a forum that you aren't a staff member on. that right there shows that you are an elitist type of person who thinks his sh*t doesnt stink. as far as me logging on to E2S, im sorry that your admin has your forum setting set to a 12 hour refresh ratio for the online members because i was only on there long enough to look around and see the large circle jerk that you call a community. plus i wanted to see if i still remembered my password for that site since it had been over a year since my last login. Flowteck, i wasnt aware that you are a staff member there. i dont use that site enough to know them all. but if climb any hill and showtime are represenatives of your site, then i totally feel sorry for the staff of E2S for having to deal with children like this.
Ha Ha Haa!!! Now we're name calling? There goes your maturity level again Vagina! And you have to check your password everyday? And the page refreshes when you request a new page, has nothing to do with Admin settings. There two useless lines of argueing with you to make a stinking point. You choose to be blind & see what's going on here, Read the thread over & you'll see why action was taken. You saw nothing on E2S besides Showtime & I being helpfull Mods. Feel sorry?? Check the feedback before you run your mouth, it's all postive with +10's across board!
the first thing, i understand ya but the trinity deal was kinda over the top but i agree with darrell we need to just forget it

i dont know if you guys know this but i did say that right there quite a while ago, climbanyhill handled himself maturely, i was at fault here i didnt read the terms and rules and that is my fault, i came on here because everyone here is helpful and i just wanted to vent a little...im done arguing here, climbanyhill thank you, you handled yourself the proper way and i mean that...ITS MY FAULT GUYS DONT START TELING PEOPLE WHO SHOULD AND SHOULDNT BE BANNED!
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