dt 200 top end


Sep 5, 2012
ive been searching around ans saw some dt200 swaps, the dt is almost the same as the yfs, the tranny rations are different, but cases are all the same, so instead of swapping the whole engine can just the top end be changed? i know the harness and radiator and other items will also have to be changed over too, but will that work? i have several old blasters we were guna build with a yz250/tri z 250 but if i can go with the top end off of the dt to double the hp why not use one frame and engine to try that with. i found a couple of full engine swaps but not really anything about just the top end.
Im not sure if that will work but where are you finding dt200 stuff for sale? I thought about a swap some time ago but the motors are few and far between i couldnt even find a complete one for sale.
While I haven't personally done this swap, I've done some reading on it, too. The DT top end (provided you have one of the proper vintage...1984-1986??...I believe??) will bolt right onto a stock Blaster bottom end. You will have to re-use the DT right side (clutch) cover with its built-in water pump, but this cover will attach directly to the Blaster cases as well.

I *think* you have to use the DT's primary drive gear and clutch basket on the Blaster bottom end for the DT water pump drive gear to work on a Blaster engine. BUT, I'm not 100% sure.

As you already know, you'll have to transplant the DT harness and electrics into the Blaster frame if you want the YPVS (powervalve) to work. I would do it...the swap won't work to its full potential without the powervalve working. Plus, there is already a clever nook in the stock Blaster plastics to house a small battery.

The DT carburetor will slip right into place. No mods needed there.

You can use any aftermarket Blaster pipe with the DT top end if I'm not mistaken. No worries there, either.

You will be on your own to figure out the radiator, but there are a couple options, it has been done by others, and it is possible to swap one in cleanly.

Again, I'm no expert on this swap, but it is worth doing if you have the parts. Sure beats cutting on a frame to stick in a vibrating dirtbike engine! DO IT! :D

BTW, talk to members Best and Triplecrown 421 on here. They have firsthand experience with this job. I don't. Sorry.
itstyler- i havent found any parts yet, i just found some links and videos about the whole engine swap, i was guna check ebay, and my dad grew up with a guy that has a HUGE salvage yard not far from where i live. if he doesnt have something he can usually find it. but i gues the prob would be id have to find a complete bike to get all the stuff off of it. and thanks for the help, ill keep searching around too, and if i find parts or more links ill just post it all here for others that are thinking along the same line.
It will be tough finding Dt200 stuff. Complete engines at that. You would be better off modifying the blaster engine...Seriously.

You can easily squeeze 30+ hp from the blaster engine (closer to 32-34hp) with the proper porting,head re-chambering,matched transfers ports to case,and proper jetting,while not complicating things and adding weight with radiators,pump,hoses,etc,etc.

All that and blaster parts are everywhere!
Read those pages Joe quoted, then ask whatever you want.
My son Triplecrown did the swap. I was the consultant :)
Our experience?
You can surpass the stock DT200 hp with an aircooled cylinder for about $100 and some work.
Simpler, and cheaper.

Problem is Yamaha never imported the DT into U.S.A. , you would practically smuggle the pieces in. Yammie also makes a DT220 & 230, available in Aus, have no idea if even simular to Blaster