Dropped the blaster off with Ken An hour or two again, should get it back around next weekend. Stoked! I:I
Dropped the blaster off with Ken An hour or two again, should get it back around next weekend. Stoked! I:I
Damn,, boy did you make the right decision. Whats he doing to it??
Top end. He was a real cool guy, glad you guys recommended him.
Well your in good hands. Be nice to have him close by. Lucky you.
you will def be happy. is he modding anything or just a top end rebuild?
sounds like your bike will be finished and ready for pickup while i am up there next weekend, if it's finished, you should try to make kens ride on saturday ????
But when you rebuild an engine, don't you need to break it in/heat cycles? So i wouldn't be able to ride mine?
You have learned well! Yes, you MUST properly break in a fresh top end.
I did drop off my whole bike.
if it's done by friday, i'll help get the motor back in and do the heat cycles/retorque check,
then you can run it saturday !!!!!!