So as many may know I am rebuilding my 84 kx 80 and I could get a used complete crank for like 90$ otd or get a new one not put together for almost 200$. The used one has no play up and down and its never been over heated I am seroiusly consider option 1. My other question is my dad thinks I will out grow my blaster (I am 5'6 125lbs I grew like 4inches over ther summer) but I don't think I will anyways I said to him so if I could would you let me sell it and take the money from my kx 80 when I sell it and take the blaster money and buy like a trial boss or scrambler or something like a predator or somethinkg a little bigger or something like that. I know four stroke but its polaris and our other polaris which is 10 years old that we have ridden it but taken very good care of still runs like a champ. I don't want to sell the blaster becuase I love it but when I sell the kx 80 I would have the perfect chance to buy a new quad becuase if I get 500-kx 80 and 1000-blaster I would have 1500 and I check cl today and I could get a trail boss a nice one for like 1500.