Don't know what do

yamaha blaster

New Member
Jun 15, 2008
So as many may know I am rebuilding my 84 kx 80 and I could get a used complete crank for like 90$ otd or get a new one not put together for almost 200$. The used one has no play up and down and its never been over heated I am seroiusly consider option 1. My other question is my dad thinks I will out grow my blaster (I am 5'6 125lbs I grew like 4inches over ther summer) but I don't think I will anyways I said to him so if I could would you let me sell it and take the money from my kx 80 when I sell it and take the blaster money and buy like a trial boss or scrambler or something like a predator or somethinkg a little bigger or something like that. I know four stroke but its polaris and our other polaris which is 10 years old that we have ridden it but taken very good care of still runs like a champ. I don't want to sell the blaster becuase I love it but when I sell the kx 80 I would have the perfect chance to buy a new quad becuase if I get 500-kx 80 and 1000-blaster I would have 1500 and I check cl today and I could get a trail boss a nice one for like 1500.
WOW epeororoepeo... That's what that looks like. Add punctuation!!!
Keep the blaster I'm 6'2 196lbs and haven't outgrown it, rode it when I worked out all the time and weighed 219.
I am 6'2" and 185lbs and plan on riding the sh!t out of my blaster once it is together LOL Also I still ride 80s to they are fun to whip around on can throw the 80s around like toys. keep the two and save your money and get a third toy.
ummm....well if you get bored/looking for a challenge/ would either have to upgrade (the existing bike) or buy a bigger bike (shee, zilla, raptor, 450, etc.) i think the best would be to upgrade (to bigger bike)
I know I wouldn't out grow it but I trial ride and thats all I do. Do you think a a trail blazer would suit my needs I have heard that they can be very slow; I am just trying to get ideas. I will probably end up keeping the blaster becuase I just droped like 200$ into it rear tires plastics and some other little stuff.
i have a buddy his name is chad an we call him chum. hes 6"2 an 235lbs an use to have one for like 3 years tell he blew it up an then sold it an never bought a quad again. he misses it everyday. he wishes he would of fixed it an kept it. he says when u put a pipe on it itll really open up alot. thats what he misses about it the most. it was snappy.
Yup I can't modd the blaster my dad won't let me he thinks its a waste of money. I would probably ride the kx 80 for like season then sell it and buy a 125 and be happy.
Get the 80 running for as cheap as possible. Sell both the blaster and the 80(dont ride them because one is likely to break) then take the money and buy a more modern quad. You can get a decent quad for 1500 if you can keep that money from burning a hole in your pocket.
I was looking on cl today and I could get a nice raptor 660 for a little over 1500 but I bet they would take 1500 for it. I have rode a trail boss before and they are very nice a lot of power and, they get up and go and top out and a pretty high speed.
I don't think you'll outgrow it... I'm almost 6'3 and like 165 lbs or so and I have no problem on it, it just makes it easier to throw around which I love.
I still don't know yet what I am going to do because I would deffinently have the cash to buy a nice trail boss and I have allways wanted one since I don't remember when. I do a lot of trail busting(going out in the woods and going over logs and stuff that shouldn't be done with a blaster). No one has anserwed my crank question yet.
get the used crank.. and i "grew out" of my blaster it fit me fine but it felt small and alittle slow since i had a yz125 i would get a 125 they are sweet bikes and can get them for $800 or get quadracer 250 i fell in love with mine im for sure ill probally never get rid of it
Okay I think I will get the used crank to save my parents money. I have made my desicion to sell both I don't want to but, in may I get my liscence and I won't be able to do much toy buyying after that. I figure if I have what I want and its reliable and fits me it will last me. I have been watching videos on youtube and these things take a beating and go through so much sh*t. On cl I found a 2003 for really cheap and nice condition and, its only 1200 so I wish I had the money.
Yup got it okayed by my dad so as soon as I get my rear axle bearings replaced on the blaster it going up for sale and, when the 80 gets done its also going up for sale. I would like to have my trail boss before may 30 weekend because its my b-day weekend and we are going to our cabin. So what do you think a good starting price for my blaster would be its a 2000 looking like a 2003+ its has nerfs, maxxis razr mx, will have a fresh rear end rebuild. I has been very well maintained and the plastic is in great condition.
Dude put a pipe on it. You will be happy with it. Don't wast your money on buying something different, because in a year you could want something else. It could just be me but I don't think you could out grow a blaster. You put a little money in to it and she will run hard.
Well if your going to sell them and something new best of luck to bro. IMO dont get the raptor they are junk my buddy had one and hated it.
Hope all works out bro