Do not order


New Member
Aug 16, 2009
i recenty bought a pair of swamp fox tires for my honda. i came across an awesome deal and could not pass up. I bought them from discount tires direct. well they came within 3 days, all is going good so far. i take them to my local tire shop and they say these are almost impossibble to mount. reason being is because they squished them sooo tightly together to save on shipping. i went all around town today to try to find someone to mount them with no luck, (all turning me down because they just simply can't mount them) they cant mount them because they wont stay on the bead. right now they're at my stealership where a guy said he'd TRY to mount them. so a heads up: dont buy tires from there.
mmm than your tire plACES ARE SALLYS...

we got 4 complete seats of new old schock firestone tires from the 60s at work... most of them the beads are 2-3 inches apart... from sittin packed so long.... perfectly mountable
tell them to use a cheeta. I just ordered 4 tires for my golf cart and when they came I thought there was only 3 tires because they had the packed so tight. I took them to a tire place and it took two guys and a cheeta to pop them on the beads
hey guys i have to say i was VERY happy with the customer service. still though, it was a pain in the ass to get them apart. it took like my whole family to pull em apart. i will order from them again when the time comes. (they resolved my issue) so i'm all happy :)
yeah've never tried to mount slicks that came from summit, they're so stupid soft and packed so tight it took 3 of us to get them to seat.