Do Airscoops Really Work?


Sep 4, 2009
So, I have airscoops as do tons of other people on here, I love them... for their looks. Do they really make a difference with cooling? I understand the theory behind them, that their shape sends more air into the engine. But does that really help? Just curious I:I
well considering the only way a blaster engine stays cool is by air running over the engine, and air scoops direct more air directly at the engine they do work, its not super significant but its alot better than nothing
I have not seen anybody post any real proof of it. I think it's more for looks in my opion. Anybody have any real data on head temps?
I highly doubt it would be anything significant, but they sure do help in the looks department.
I see a fan helping out more. Hmmm ideas ideas.....

But for the most part the faster you go the air cool air your air cooled bike will get, so theres some faster riding motivation lol

Maybe a spal fan on a radiator for a dt200 top end ;)
You see a lot of 400exs with them an trx250r's on the r there shoving air into the radiator, a lazer /infared temp gun would be the way to go for testing temps,

Would be hard to get a accurate reading in everyday life, a dyno pass than temp reading would be the way to go, about the only eay your gonna do that at home is let bike idle for 10 min an read them temp, than run a box. Fan blowing towards the front an repet the test....

Cooler fuel will also help, a small fuel cooler or tiny trans cooler with the fuel running to it before the carb would also help keep temps down, an make more power since cool fuel and air is more dence
how can they work, (the project blaster style ones)
they direct the air straight onto the hot pipe, then onto the engine, thus blowing hot air onto the motor ?????
maybe they keep the pipe cool ?????
Honestly if we where to take these into a aero tunnel they would not do dick squat. Why there too far apart from each other.

There is no back stop either. You normnally want to encase the whole object and create a very small entrance to said ducting to force it in. These things on blastys are more like air baffles and create more drag on the bike than anything. Want proof..... take a bunch of string tape it all over the front of the bike. Take it for a ride. Watch how every piece goes in a different angle/direction and how little to none actually flows threw the ducts. If anything you are creating a low pressure point in front of the bike causing inherent radial drag and a loss of air.

Let the air force into the front and rise to the top.

If you really want to keep it cooler encase the whole motor with a small flow point in front.

Of course this is the race car builder in me and i race 6 times ayear on a national circuit ;)

We need only to look towards aeronautics to find the answer my friends ;)
and thats also why my style scoops sit under the fenders and flow inside the pipe, and also directly in line with the cylinder/head i've had these scoops on with both pipes, right or left, they still may not do any good, but at least the air gets past the pipe before dumping onto the motor.......
and thats also why my style scoops sit under the fenders and flow inside the pipe, and also directly in line with the cylinder/head i've had these scoops on with both pipes, right or left, they still may not do any good, but at least the air gets past the pipe before dumping onto the motor.......

thats cool awk, never seen that b4