DIY on to make your pipe shine


TT/Flat Track Racer
Nov 30, 2008
iv always hate to see a good after market pipe look like crap i bought this fmf off DUDE here on the forum for a great price thanks buddy i got to looking at it wondering if i could get it to shine like it did when FMF make it


here are the tools i used for this little project


first i used the rubbing alcohol to clean it up a bit

then i used the drill with the little wire brush it takes some time but well worth it


half way

then once after all the junk is knocked off clean it again with the alcohol and use some kinda polish on it i went over mine about 3 times cleaning wise and polish


heres after i was done its nothing big but if your like me and cant afford a new pipe this works well
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if you really want it to shine, get a buffing/polishing wheel and use it. it will make it look even better.
looks good

i used 0000 steel wool with rubbing compound on mine, then used mothers mag polish, then mothers again with a terry towel, wiping it down with a microfiber cloth.
that wire brush scares the heck out of me! wouldn't it be much less agressive to use a green scrubby and some elbow grease to keep from scratching the finish?? just asking?
depending on the rustiness of the pipe, you can use a soft wire wheel to clean it off, for bad rust use a stiff wire wheel then use a soft one. then you sand it down then use a buffer/polishing wheel to make it shine.
i used the wire brush on my kart pipes with no problems i wasnt to worryed about scuffing mine its scuffed and pitted pretty bad on a new one i wouldnt use it
i know this is an older post but i got a fatty and the idiot i bought it off of painted it black!!!
So do yall think its possible to get it back to the original look or should i just sand it a little and give it a better paintjob than whats on it.
Hit it with a paint stripper like "Aircraft paint remover" (Klean-Strip) which comes in a rattle can or a gallon can from auto parts store's like AutoZone. Once the paint bubbles off you can see what the pipe looks like underneath, then you will be able to see if it can be brought back to life or just need repainted.
My guess is that if the paint stuck then it most likely has been sanded and might be too far off to be saved.
ive used eazy off oven cleaner to get paint off a chrome surface. works great. soak it, let it sit, and spray it off with a pressure nozzle. i had bought a truck with a painted over chrome grill and a friend told me about it. turned out great. maybe worth a shot to ya.