Disaster when i got home last night

thats really funny i have a teacup yorkie thats 3lbs looks just like that one lmao......................besides we paid 2,000$ for her........my dad was flipin ahahha cause we all feel in love with the dog and we had to get it

Yea shes a teacup,pretty cool dogs,really hyper for one min then really sleepy!

haha shes only like 14 weeks old i think,give or take
I grew up with Yorkie's in the house.
They're HI ENERGY when their young like that haaaa
They are cool dogs.
His ass wouldah went back into a cage for that stuff though.
hey there only was one problem i just thought of when i mailed that to ya last night. i never got ur name. lol hopefully you get it. if not ill end up getting it back an ill resend it for ya. lol woops
got one, it had puppies. now i wake up every damn mornin being licked and bitten to death with the soles missing from my shoes, my wallet chewed up, and money hidden all over the house, lost my license for a week once thanks to those guys.
missing all sorts of chargers, ruined a pair of glasses and one of them chewed the zipper off my favorite pair of riding pants.
Im with you guy's. I had to drive 200 miles and drop 250$ for my wifes weiner dog. That biotch growls at me every time I come in the house. Then my wife "bought" me one also. By bought, I mean I had to pay for it and drive 150 miles to get him. I love Max but he is dumb as a box of rocks. Thats the best kind!