diffrence between floating brake and 03

yo yb or anyone, what 305 is try'in to find out, is if one of my gsxr caliper brackets will bolt up to a 03+ or banshee carrier, with the bolt pattern i use and will the caliper still line up to the disc on a carrier without the floating disc????
floating brakes.... floater the rotor moves to make contact with both pads, one pad moves out of the caliper, and pushes the rotor over to make contact, fixed both pads push out of the caliper,..

only diff is the brake hub, fixed is wider,.. hence needed a shee brake hub to make banshee axle work on blaster
i plan on using the 03 brake hub and rotor. what im asking is. the 03 hub or shee hub does that offset the rotor any?
if i get a braket set up for the floating style rotor will it work when i put the shee style rotor and axle in or is the rotor offset?
yeah he is right i remember when i did me she axle conversion that i had to do some grinding on the stock caliper bracket to get the stock caliper on...but when i got awks bracket i just had to shim it up with 1 washer and it worked great..
yo yb or anyone, what 305 is try'in to find out, is if one of my gsxr caliper brackets will bolt up to a 03+ or banshee carrier, with the bolt pattern i use and will the caliper still line up to the disc on a carrier without the floating disc????

kinda but not really..
if one of the gsxr caliper bracket will bolt on to the older style carrier, yet line up with the shee brake hub and rotor.
kinda but not really..
if one of the gsxr caliper bracket will bolt on to the older style carrier, yet line up with the shee brake hub and rotor.

i have a shee hub she axle and the gsxr caliper with awks bracket and all i had to to what shim it with 1 washer and it lined up fine