Went to redline redneck's parents farm riding today,.. great time!!!!
we finnaly got to drag race my blaster vs his tecate powered baster
his blaster.. 89 with kawisaki tecate kxt250r liquid cooled 2 stroke, uni filter, 36? mil carb, cobra pipe...
mine.. lrd pipe shortend silencer, k&n and no lid, still running rich..
same results every time.. dead even threw first few gears than he creeps on me I:II:II:I i did better than i thought i would
than i got the bright idea to shoot this hill in one of the fields... my guess would be 300-350 foot hill.. and anywhere from 40-55 degree angle... i made it every time!!! would shoot in in 3rd and not have to down shift!!! wish i woulda got vids!!
we did get 2 vids of my throwin some monster roosts.. which once he figures out how to get them on his computer and to me ill post them up... guess some spots i was throwin 8-10 foot high roosts!!!
we finnaly got to drag race my blaster vs his tecate powered baster
his blaster.. 89 with kawisaki tecate kxt250r liquid cooled 2 stroke, uni filter, 36? mil carb, cobra pipe...
mine.. lrd pipe shortend silencer, k&n and no lid, still running rich..
same results every time.. dead even threw first few gears than he creeps on me I:II:II:I i did better than i thought i would
than i got the bright idea to shoot this hill in one of the fields... my guess would be 300-350 foot hill.. and anywhere from 40-55 degree angle... i made it every time!!! would shoot in in 3rd and not have to down shift!!! wish i woulda got vids!!
we did get 2 vids of my throwin some monster roosts.. which once he figures out how to get them on his computer and to me ill post them up... guess some spots i was throwin 8-10 foot high roosts!!!