dealin with criminals


Jun 14, 2010
just found out why i didnt get my shocks because the guy i bought them off of is a criminal and i wondered why i didnt get them here is what a good ol background search does on google here is the story i bought a set of elka front shocks for my blaster for 165 dollars and he said he would send them to me i never got the and i am contacting the police and decided what the heck i will loook him up and this is what i found
yea but i have dualstroke hot on the case he lives down there and we are callin the taounton police and everything
this guy basically took the mone and all paypal wont cover me because it was sent from mobile device but now i am broke and have no shocks that are worth a s***
wtf does a mobile device have to do with anything? PAYPAL sucks ass i swear. hope you get it straightened out speedy gonzales.
yea i'm like wtf i sent it from their app and it was from my cell why the f*ck should it matter but anyway i am getting a set of some awesome shocks here in a couple days not telling brand or model to anyone but a few so i can get them before they scoop up i almost bought those set of elkas on ebay about a week ago and i would have bought them if this ahole didnt take all my damn money!!!!!
We will get to the bottom of this bro. Just another scumbag that needs to be dealt with. I will be working in Taunton tomorrow for a bit and will be scoping out his residence.If it's where I am thinking it will be right in the slums of Taunton.The pd will deffinately do us alot of good.
Speedy that arrest was in september. He also posted pics of them off his bike in the craigslist add. I would tend to beleive they were not on the bike when he got caught. But I also know where the inpound lot is,as long as it hasn't moved since I last seen it a year or so ago.I will try and make it by there for a look tomorrow.