Dakotademon7's build gone addictive

yeah, heating and bending straight pvc was in my head when i was gonna attempt this, you can block off both ends with a rag, or duct tape, and slowly heat with a torch, mark off lines on the floor for the offset you need, once heated, lay on your marks and cool with a wet rag
This is my air intake setup I'm working on. I'm not sure if I'm going to run it at that angle. I'm going to trying and work with the other pipe to see if I can get it to set strait in the frame. I'll have to build what's going to be more of a shield then an air box.
cool idea with the PVC man, just make a sheild for the bottom of the filter and run it!
your going to get way more air that way
i made something like that with pvc on my blaster. except i didnt use fittings. i heated the pipe and bent it. it restricted the airflow
Man Bro, i just read through 13 pages. You are really doin her up good! I can't wait to see it when ya come to Awk's. Keep up the good work!- bob
Another reason I wanted to use couplings is because I'm going to paint it. I'm going to smooth out everything and paint the pipe Black with the ends of the couplings done in red so it looks like red band clamps.
Your blaster looking awesome!!!I:II:I If you are going to AWK's that will be awesome to.. I hope my blaster will be running in time for AWK's...
It looks good now. I don't know how well it's going to look by the end of summer. That will give me a reason to redo it again.

Edit:I will be at AWK's and will be running the hell out of my Blaster.lol
Your blaster looking awesome!!!I:II:I If you are going to AWK's that will be awesome to.. I hope my blaster will be running in time for AWK's...

/\/\ you guys come anyway, bikes running or not, i'll tow you around !!!!!!!