cuttig rear plastics

i know you were jus f'in with me, anytime bro, i can handle it, but i might have sounded a little too serious tryin to teach a hard learned lesson,
and while i was being carried to the life flight chopper, i looked down and my foot was facing completely backwards (insane), i told the one dude using my phone (yes, to call my mommy) to get a pic of it but he couldnt figure my phone out quick enuf, one pic of that would convince you not to cut fenders and run the heelgaurds!!!!!
dam i was gonna shave my front fenders but not now. and i will never take my heal guards off mine have a huge crack in them and one side isnt even attached to my pegs anymore. but im gonna get some metal and weld some up make them look good instead of that old cheap plastic.
dang i wish my blaster came with heel guards. i bought my blaster with cut fenders and no heel guards, but on my 88 blaster, i took the heel guards off and i went to jump and landed wrong and my foot went under my back tire. not as bad as awks but still hurt
I had a similar experience as awk, just didn't end soo badly. I tend to ride with tennis shoes as I haven't had the money for riding boots, and have been spending what money I can get on the blasty. I do have a set of heelguards that I have been wanting to put on for some time now, but I have to fab up a way to mount them cause come to find out 88-89 blasters didn't come with them from the factory, lol. I don't really think cutting the front fenders is as bad as cutting your rears. tbh I haven't seen a set of cut fenders that I really like yet, I'm running my without any fronts atm, but the rears will not come off.
look what i just bought safety first!!!!!



Re: cutting rear plastics

thats right i am an old man, and it took me all these years to figure out some things aren't worth it just to "look cool", and apparently you guys are forgetting what happened to me last year because i was running without the heel gaurds, so lemme refresh your memories.........

and make sure when you young bucks get home from school, you jump right on your blasters, with the heel gaurds off, and the fenders cut, with your skateboard shoes on, laces hangin untied, cause it "looks cool"
i love seeing pics of feet half ripped off in pain and misery

:o If u were wearing mx boots that most likely wouldnt have happened.
Not sure why everyone has always done the straight across cut on the rear's. Go from the very bottom inside and cut to the outside right where it starts to curve flat. Wish i had some pics. makes them look a little more like a yfz fender and not so blah.
Not sure why everyone has always done the straight across cut on the rear's. Go from the very bottom inside and cut to the outside right where it starts to curve flat. Wish i had some pics. makes them look a little more like a yfz fender and not so blah.

That might look good, anyone have a pics????
maybe i'll cut my spares like that.......i need some more whiskey and then i'll go out and run the dremel and take some pics
AND, how I did my REAR fenders... (also with a buzz and a dremel, haha)
I have also recently custom mounted YFZ 450 Heel guards, love it. (Thx NOOB!!)

We all know what YOU did noob X( jk I roll with boots rear fenders in place heel gaurds in tact and use all that to offset my stupid that is ignoring all warning lables