dude i have 2 crf150f's one for set up for motocross and the other set up for enduro. they are good for needing timing chain tensioners, everybody i know that has a crf150f has had to replace them in theirs. my motocross one is kick start 2005 model and enduro is electric start 2008 model.
2005 mods: white brothers r4 pipe, honda performance parts stage 3 jet kit, k&n high flow air filter, air box mod, z mod engine mod, splitfire spark plug with the 3 ends on it from a crotch rocket, wiseco piston and rings, and a 200cc bore kit that i took off of it.
2008 mods: drd full stainless steel exhaust, honda performance parts stage 3 jet kit, k&n high flow air filter, air box mod, same splitfire plug used in the 2005, baja designs headlight and taillight kit, geared as low as it can go with a 13t front sprocket and 58t back sprocket.