Crap happens.

Yeah, 4 weeks on bf sounds pretty good eh?

new assignment for everyone next week anyway.....
learning to navigate and use all the new features of the new forum layout.
i've been on it for the last 2 days checking things out......gonna take some getting used too

we make the switch next week I:I
blaaster I was told 4 to 6 weeks when I sprained my ankle.The next day I tried to ride the blasty and realized when trying to shift into 2cnd that with an immobilizer boot on that I couldn't get my foot under the shifter.
Haha, I remember when I was younger, I cut my hand playing with a pocketknife (stupid, I know) and had to get stitches. The next day my dads friend gave him a pocket bike for me and I couldn't even ride it for a week. It sucked lol
Have some news, they have found an artery with some gunk in it , looks like surgery in the next few days to ream the blockage.
thats good to hear they've found a cause and get you fixed up with a simple port job :)
Get Ken to send them port layouts for senior class drag porting
Have some news, they have found an artery with some gunk in it , looks like surgery in the next few days to ream the blockage.

Just one ,youre lucky !Believe me ! I had to have 3 replaced with viens from legs. I had no high chlorestrol, or high blood pressure , or inherited heart history.The arteries were 90% blocked. :-/The cause was high inflammation in my blood a year before ...caused by a MILD STROKE like yours. Take care !I:I
Monday they are going to cut my throat, remove the artery clean it then put it back in.

I have to be awake during the surgery as they need to monitor at all times.

The 80% blockage is very close to some nerves that control my facial movements and speech motors,

There is also some risk that the surgery will trigger another stroke, that is why they cannot use a general anaesthetic, they need me conscious at all times, just in case some clots head off to the brain.

I must admit guys, that I am more than a little worried.
Monday they are going to cut my throat, remove the artery clean it then put it back in.

I have to be awake during the surgery as they need to monitor at all times.

The 80% blockage is very close to some nerves that control my facial movements and speech motors,

There is also some risk that the surgery will trigger another stroke, that is why they cannot use a general anaesthetic, they need me conscious at all times, just in case some clots head off to the brain.

I must admit guys, that I am more than a little worried.

Be positive and let us know how youre doing on Tuesday !I:I
Monday they are going to cut my throat, remove the artery clean it then put it back in.

I have to be awake during the surgery as they need to monitor at all times.

The 80% blockage is very close to some nerves that control my facial movements and speech motors,

There is also some risk that the surgery will trigger another stroke, that is why they cannot use a general anaesthetic, they need me conscious at all times, just in case some clots head off to the brain.

I must admit guys, that I am more than a little worried.

I'm sure all will go just fine.