Crank seal question

you only need one on the right hand side (intrnal seal) the one behind the flywheel doesnt have a retainer. Which one are you referring to?
You mean the bearing stopper, on page 4-33 of service manual? i'm sure i have on of those in my parts bin, LMK!
The thing on the right side that ken oconnor calls a seal retainer in his second or third assembly video. I cant find page 4-33 but its the half moon shaped thing on the crankshaft seal that has one screw holding it in
I can send ya one! Pm me the addy u want it send to!

BTW- love the puppy! Mini pincher or dashhound?
Thanks slick. I appreciate it. Thats a dachshund. My mom was buying and selling dogs like they were going out of style so she dont have it anymore
When I worked at an auto shop, I used to.hate the old guys like that. Just because theyre paying, it gives them the right to biotch if I took 20 minutes on an oil change instead of the 10 I quoted him
Haaaa, I'm not that anal! I cant trust any garage around my crib, they will take you for a ride and then some!
Bump... I know this threads really old. I just picked up a 97 and ive got everything back together except for the crankshaft retainer that the previous person left out ( propably the reason for it blowing out in the first place. Lol) I've been trying to track one down for weeks with no luck. Any help with a link would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Unfamiliar with the term ," crankshaft retainer" find a parts diagram and say it's part #xxx

I'll bet you're referring to the crank colar on the clutch side.
IllI bet it's#17