Craigslist hybrid

I would love to see close up pics of it mounted. I bet there is a bit removed from the frame. Looks good from a far but is it far from good? lol
if i lived closer, i would go and buy it than give it a review. than fix whatever was done wrong if there was anything done wrong.
What price did everyone see? It was $1800 earlier today. now $1650

He said his brother did the welding because hes a welder or something.

He will send me some pics tomorrow
i really like it. i do see a few things i would have done different. looks like a few spots they hurried on.
Lol It looks pretty good from my house, but Idk about up close. something is a little funny above the brake lever where the swinger mounts
Lol It looks pretty good from my house, but Idk about up close. something is a little funny above the brake lever where the swinger mounts
that spot caught my eye but i didn't look at it close. looks like either they cut the frame and poorly repaired it or the frame snapped and wasn't fixed very well.
thats hacked :(
take 2 good bikes and combine them into scrap, brilliant !

the frame has pieces added in both sides to raise it, right where most strength is needed, at the swingarm pivot.
wonder where the matching front frame hack is ?
i see a frame end facing up near the brake pedal left hanging open ?.
and the pipe has been flattened and bent on some flat object to bend around the frame

same frame hackage on the other side, and the chain goes under the roller and will soon be eating into the frame when ridden
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