counter balance sproket hard to spin


New Member
Oct 7, 2012
Edison New Jersey
ok so i just got done putting my bottom end together and when i tourqed down the counter balance sproket nut and drive gear nut the crank got hard to spin so i took the drive gear off but wood over it and hit it with a hammer crank spun nice put the gear back on same thing then i realized it was the blance shaft gear any suggestions on how to fix this
Oh I am barking up the wrong tree, really need my new specs.

I read it that you hit the crankshaft with a hammer softened by wood.

Did you install the bearings in the counter shaft, were the free before you installed them.
Yes with gear of crank it is hard to spin and I hit the clutch side of the crank with a block of wood and hammer

Hang on, I am not going senile you did say you hit the crank.

Will the balance shaft spin without the gear on?

Why was a hammer used, and what did it do, was the balance shaft gear on when you hit it.

I am either confused or having an out of brain experience.

How would you like to explain the whole problem again to clear things up.
yes the crank spins great once i put the drive sproket on its tight after taking off for the 3rd time i realized it it the counter balace shaft and sproket that are tuff to spin i have the main drive sproket off and have to put some omfh into it to spin the counter balace sproket i want to know what i can do to fix this or if it is normal all bearings in the cases are new hopefully someone can tell me whats up and hopefully i wont have to split the cases again
Ok never mind I stopped being stubborn and took the sproket off and realized the u shaped holder for the bearing under it I had it on opposite side so the counter shaft sproket was hitting it
Ok never mind I stopped being stubborn and took the sproket off and realized the u shaped holder for the bearing under it I had it on opposite side so the counter shaft sproket was hitting it

Good catch!!! Now before closing it up double and tripple check everything and make sure it is all tightened and in it's correct place.
Inspect that gear closely, if it fails it ain't pretty. Ask me how I know. It's a three piece unit with two pieces riveted together sandwiching the gear with rubber cushions in it. Also be sure you time it correctly.