
Well that Copicut Woods doesn't allow Motors, and i can't fine anything on the other place.

How do you go about street legalizing your quad? I know they're are a few states that allow it, but i don't think Massachusetts is one of them.

For me you go to your local court house like you would get your car liscense plates or whatever and ask about quad liscesnces. You get a form to fill out and stuff and you send it to the state captial with your title or bill of sale and stuff. Im sure its different for you so i would go to the court house anbd just ask about it. I know when my dad had his blaster Liscensed his got revoxed after a month because it was a "195 cc" and not a 200 cc which is the smallest quad limit cc to get liscensed. So i talked to my Yamaha dealer and they said i could get an afidavid from them and they would allow my quad to get liscensed.
For me you go to your local court house like you would get your car liscense plates or whatever and ask about quad liscesnces. You get a form to fill out and stuff and you send it to the state captial with your title or bill of sale and stuff. Im sure its different for you so i would go to the court house anbd just ask about it. I know when my dad had his blaster Liscensed his got revoxed after a month because it was a "195 cc" and not a 200 cc which is the smallest quad limit cc to get liscensed. So i talked to my Yamaha dealer and they said i could get an afidavid from them and they would allow my quad to get liscensed.

Yeah, without a bill of sale i'm pretty much F@#&ed X( , I hope i can get around that with the state so i can get a permit for the state forests.
i always go riding in my naborhood. and they dont do a thing. until i get to going to my freinds i get chased for 20 mins...... lmao
lmao i have never been caught on a quad but i have been caught by the cops before after i ran for 2 hours;) but thats a different story i one i am being chased on a quad i go into woods or they just cant keep up:p
lmao i have never been caught on a quad but i have been caught by the cops before after i ran for 2 hours;) but thats a different story i one i am being chased on a quad i go into woods or they just cant keep up:p

They can't keep up with the blaster? A lot of the cops around here wont chase because, no one stops, they don't feel like wasting time i guess.

No skin off my bones!
they could. but the way i ride one im being chased they cant keep up. i take as many turns as i can and as fast as i can. cause i mostly ride on dirt roads so its no prob:) but we dont get chased alot out here. its only one they know they cant keep up. they couldnt keep up with a rm 125 and a kx 80 lol
As for getting your quad street legal it wont help you.Youre 14 last i knew drivers licenses were issued at 16 and up?

I dont know what to tell you bro.Sounds like if you ride you may have to run.

Im not telling you to run but if you decide to id have a garage to store it in and let the heat die down.

I personally have ran but im also friends/neighbors with the cops here and they were just messing with me.They had an old cown vic and would shoot out in the fields and chase you.Pretty funny until the chief of police went in a field and tore up the suspension and stuck the vic in a field.Which i still give him sh*t about.

Blaster isnt exactly the fastest quad especially for sustained high speeds like a police chase,of course it dont have to be in the woods or trails.Idk bro id think about it.Is there no local clubs you can belong to and get a place to ride?Here theres 2 local dirt riders clubs one you can just pay 12 and the other you gotta be a member and pay a yearly fee and do 8hrs a month community service at the riding grounds.Maybe you got something similar in your area?
As for getting your quad street legal it wont help you.Youre 14 last i knew drivers licenses were issued at 16 and up?

I dont know what to tell you bro.Sounds like if you ride you may have to run.

Im not telling you to run but if you decide to id have a garage to store it in and let the heat die down.

I personally have ran but im also friends/neighbors with the cops here and they were just messing with me.They had an old cown vic and would shoot out in the fields and chase you.Pretty funny until the chief of police went in a field and tore up the suspension and stuck the vic in a field.Which i still give him sh*t about.

Blaster isnt exactly the fastest quad especially for sustained high speeds like a police chase,of course it dont have to be in the woods or trails.Idk bro id think about it.Is there no local clubs you can belong to and get a place to ride?Here theres 2 local dirt riders clubs one you can just pay 12 and the other you gotta be a member and pay a yearly fee and do 8hrs a month community service at the riding grounds.Maybe you got something similar in your area?

Here in South Dakota we get drivers liscenses at age 14 I:I haha but this is good advice above
that sucks i got off lucky though i was riding on the road and started to turn into a driveway and this stupid b**** tried to pass me on a double yellow line while speeding and hit my rear left tire and bent the rim and toaly f*cked up the axle and it totaled out the volts wagon passot(my head busted the windshield and when she swerved off the road it busted the oil pan and locked up the motor) and when the cops shoed up he wasent gonna give the chick that hit me a ticket but he was gonna give me 2
I'm trying to get a ATV Permit now so i can ride at the state forests, but they want Bill of Sale, And Proof or sales tax? I don't have either? Good thing i still have the guys phone number! Going to call him tomorrow.

In this state a bill of sale is all that is required. You can pay the sales tax at the environmentals office when you get a plate. Just fill out a bill of sale yourself with the amount you like(lower the better). Use anyones name as the seller and go to the boston, fallriver, etc office and pay the tax and you will have a plate. Wrentham does not allow quads at the state forest, fyi. Dirt bikes only. I live close to you and have my whole life. I never let the cops bother me and ruin my day of riding.I have had a few run ins in the past but the last 8 years or so I have had no problems. One of the biggest problems is you live in a city and they're always after the hoodlums riding around on the street.Dont give up just yet or sell your machine cause of this. Stay strong and you will prevail.
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Im in the same boat as you my neighbors complained and i got a ticket 75$ for unauthorized atv on public highway.

Arn't you all lucky? over here in the UK if I get cought riding on a road its simple, I HAVE to run, if they catch me they arrest me and they crush the blaster...also if they want they can give me a 3 year ban from once i apply for a car licence so i would have to wait till 20 instead of 17..
Arn't you all lucky? over here in the UK if I get cought riding on a road its simple, I HAVE to run, if they catch me they arrest me and they crush the blaster...also if they want they can give me a 3 year ban from once i apply for a car licence so i would have to wait till 20 instead of 17..

Wow thats a bit harsh!!!

Depending on which cops on duty is what i do or if its a sheriff or not.The local cops wont hassle me but the sheriffs do.I had a run in yesterday briefly but the banshee quickly made short work as soon as i got near the river.The cop was a dick and ive had words with him before and i spotted him him long before he seen me and by the time he did see me all he seen was my backside disappear in to the woods so not really a big deal and i didnt get into a high speed pursuit but ill run if i have to I:I
Wow thats a bit harsh!!!

Depending on which cops on duty is what i do or if its a sheriff or not.The local cops wont hassle me but the sheriffs do.I had a run in yesterday briefly but the banshee quickly made short work as soon as i got near the river.The cop was a dick and ive had words with him before and i spotted him him long before he seen me and by the time he did see me all he seen was my backside disappear in to the woods so not really a big deal and i didnt get into a high speed pursuit but ill run if i have to I:I

Well luckily theyve only ever seen me getting the qua dback onto the trailer to its kinda to late but that is what happens if they see me, theirs one biotch that said if she even sees me push it down the street shes gonna take it, so imagine your banshee, if they get it it becomes a frying pan :-/ alothugh they say that i once got a quad cheap that had been sold in a "Police auction" so whether they crush it or sell it in another town makes me wonder...
They can and do impound them here too but you got to be pretty well hated and im not im a gear head and they know it.The sheriffs tho are another story the majority of them are dick heads and will hit you with a bunch of tickets since its all about the mighty dollar to them.You know no insurance,no turn signal,noise,atv on a public road, and so on by the time they get done you have to go to court and idk about anywhere else but here 3 moving violations and you lose your license for 1 yr.A few years back i built a tricked out go kart for my nephew who was 7 and i took it out to test it out up and down the culdasack and a sheriff for whatever reason was driving by and wrote me 5 tickets and i had to go to court to prevent my license being taken he did it to be a dick luckily i lawyered up and they got dropped.

Some of the cops are dicks some arent.I got a buddy whos on suspension for banging bar sluts in his cruiser on 3rd shift lol hes cool he dont hassle people or abuse the power unless you think banging bar sluts late in the morning abusing the power lol
Yeah dont get me wrong, theirs is a few decent cops, the local cop doesnt mind me riding local fields and such as long as 1. theirs an adult their 2. i wear a helmet and dont go on the road which i do all that off my own back anyway so its usually all good..