
Sep 20, 2010
Sewage Drain
We've seen this piebald buck for years now. About 2 years ago, he came to our feed pile in our backyard frequently. He was a clean 8 pointer then, blotches of white. He came right next to the house, to the front yard, and then took off. Never saw him again. We got one sh*tty picture of him but it was useless. Finally, tonight would be the night the buck finally came back. Hes even bigger, rack taller and wider. Hes an old one, his snout/nose is very big. Hes chowing down corn as im typing this. I got out my camera and took 78 pictures of him, only getting about 10 clear ones. Decided to share some with you hunters out there. NOTE: This is a NJ buck, might not seem big to some of you western folk, but this thing is massive for NJ. I'm thinking about taking him out with my bow the next time I see him. Pictures:





Problem is, my backyard is illegal to hunt on... If i shoot him, i dont want him running into someones yard with their kids playing around and that thing has an arrow hanging out of him, bleeding...

Its just not right, im not gunna shoot him
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Problem is, my backyard is illegal to hunt on... If i shoot him, i dont want him running into someones yard with their kids playing around and that thing has an arrow hanging out of him, bleeding...

Its just not right, im not gunna shoot him

Great pics!

And good call on not poaching that big boy......have some green for doing the right thang!
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LOL. run up and tackle his azz, I do believe I'd like to see that.. maybe feed him corn soaked in alcohol... other than that, he'd be gone by the time u close the door behind u LMFAO... we don't even have deer here nor have I seen one in the wild ever and judging from the 60 yard spook he's got, u got a better chance of stoning him from 60 in ur room and dropping him where he stands than running up and tackling him. hell, I don't care if you make a roost and sleep in that tree. it ain't gonna happen LOL. good luck tho. me personally I'd follow his sorry azz to somewhere I could pump his heard with a nice fat lead plug :) I don't think that's poaching if you stalk him for hours with a cased firearm :D go find out from ur local game warden.
f*ck iv been slowly training my rotweiller to take out deer, problem is hes so fat he cant run as fast.

remiinds me of this
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