We've seen this piebald buck for years now. About 2 years ago, he came to our feed pile in our backyard frequently. He was a clean 8 pointer then, blotches of white. He came right next to the house, to the front yard, and then took off. Never saw him again. We got one sh*tty picture of him but it was useless. Finally, tonight would be the night the buck finally came back. Hes even bigger, rack taller and wider. Hes an old one, his snout/nose is very big. Hes chowing down corn as im typing this. I got out my camera and took 78 pictures of him, only getting about 10 clear ones. Decided to share some with you hunters out there. NOTE: This is a NJ buck, might not seem big to some of you western folk, but this thing is massive for NJ. I'm thinking about taking him out with my bow the next time I see him. Pictures: