Compression Question....pleeease advise!!


New Member
Mar 19, 2014
So hello everyone! I am new to blaster forum having just bought my first quad about a week ago....and yes, 33 is a bit old to own your first quad, but I have 4 bikes and have always envied quads, so I decided to join the fun!! Well, after searching for about a month, I finally found what I thought was a pretty good buy....I picked up a 2004 Blaster for $1000 bucks after negotiating and haggling the guy down from $1500,-so I felt like it was a great deal!! The overall condition of the quad was pretty good, so I figured I could just fix the few minor issues that could arise.

Well, as expected, my first ride out with the quad (after I bought it of course) the front brakes locked up. I ended up spinning the wheels until they broke free and was able to get it back to my shop, but now I am doing a brake rebuild. Among other little things were a new skid plate, new front tires, and a good carb cleaning.

So here lies my questions: I did a compression check and it registers at about 110. Being that it should be around 150, do I ride it until it starts making noise or change it now (piston and rings)? It sounds pretty smooth, but I am curious as to how much power I am losing with the compression down like that?

Any help or suggestions would be appreciated greatly. Thanks guys.
welcome to the Forum.

The consensus is that once it reaches 100 psi then it is time to rebuild.

If you disassemble it now you may be able to get away with new rings and a hone if the piston is up to specs.

It would pay however to leak test it to see if it is air tight, the 10 year old seals could be a little suspect.