completly ripped off!!


New Member
Aug 10, 2009
X( well i got my four a-arms on ebay,i painted them got them looking all nice to figure out that the threads are f*cked up!!!!!!IM PISSED
bummer, but do ya think you could get a die and try to rethread them/clean the threads??? possibly some garage or machine shop would have a set, or harbor freight
dude i just had to buy i tap and die kit at advanced auto for 30 bucks and it has already paid for itself.....get one and you wont regret it
They are completly fix able don't get down; when I took my a-arms to paint I smashed the lower a-arm ball joint and lucky me my neighbor who works on cars for a living pulled in so I asked him to fix them and he did. They are completly fix able all you need is a tap and die to re-thread them.
Most people on Ebay are pretty good. Maybe they did not understand that the threads were messed up? Email nicely and explain. A good seller will make good or give a partial refund for your hassle.
as long as the threads are not MUSHROOMED over. you can get a thread a die on it, and it'll be a good, or a thread file is great alternative. but if someone really beat on it to get it out of the spindle and mushroomed it over, it will not be fixable
as long as the threads are not MUSHROOMED over. you can get a thread a die on it, and it'll be a good, or a thread file is great alternative. but if someone really beat on it to get it out of the spindle and mushroomed it over, it will not be fixable

they are, they are f*cked.seller said he would do whatever so i dont ruin his feedback.he has another pair of a-arms i going to see if he will send them to me because these a-arms are completly trash,besides the top a-arms those are fine.