i dont know, i have a 2005 450r and not that impressed with it in stock form... the 2006+ have a bigger and better carb, but less agressive camshaft profile. The are geared really tall and they are wheelie machines- so if he isnt that good of rider he will stall out on the start and/or wheelie over during gear shift...
my 250r will smoke a 450r, so dont see why a full out 240 wouldnt run about the same...
Guys, he said he said the 450r rider sucks so in my eyes it could go either way.
It will take a good day for you and a bad day for the 450 for you to get that win.
well if you get a +3 stroker and get it port matched you should be making somewhere over 40 if the builder is good. the stock trx450r is at 38. so you would have a shot other than that probably not
lmao the 450r will spank your ass real good lmao, for you to even have a chance you need to get that biotch a +3 stroker, get it ported, get the head worked on too and run race gas, and then MAYBE you will have a chance.