Colleges starting to annoy me lol


New Member
Apr 28, 2009
Jeez im not even half way through my sophomore year in high school and some colleges are already starting to annoy me guess i must be a lot smarter than i thought. So far only two have sent me emails. ever heard of Hiram college or Washington & Jefferson college?
I want to go to Ohio State for sure but i would really have to pick up my spanish grade it the only thing holding me back from being on the honor roll. Anybody know spanish really good lol?
Lol at least your getting some.. I'm 17 and a senior in high school, haven't gotten a single college email or letter. Just ones from the military and sh*t lol...
my average would be somewhere around 4.0 if it werent for spanish. its the only class that i can not do consistently well in. other than that i have absolutely no trouble in class.