Cold weather riding.


New Member
Oct 10, 2010
Northern Indiana near Fort Wayne
It's that time of year again in Northern Indiana where it's getting cold and snow is soon upon us. Well just because it's cold doesn't mean I'm going to let it ruin my riding time. I myself don't wear helmets but I need to keep my head and face warm from the stinging cold air blasting into it from riding. This is what I've found that works the best.... Hey, I may look like a uni bomber but at least I'm warm and still riding. Does anybody else use anything for cold weather?


what do you think?
never used one.... crashed plenty...still riding.... different strokes...different folks .... I would however use one if I was going to do something crazy to where I think I'd need one.... but if it comes to that I probably shouldn't be attempting it.
OMFG, a ninja turtle face mask ????????
and put your helmet on, or you'll soon be riding a different kinda motorized scooter..... a hover round wheelchair !!!!!!!
and i'd hide my face too if i was dumb enuf to ride without a helmet
and i'd hide my face too if i was dumb enuf to ride without a helmet

I feel the same way. It's just stupid to ride without a helmet. I wont even ride with someone if they don't have a helmet. I don't want to watch someones head explode off a rock.

Buy a f*cking helmet and stop being a dumb ass. They look cool and keep your head warm and safe.
brain damaged, de da dee's.......FTW

hover rounds are chick magnets too !!!!!!!
i rock an under armour beanie...the same kind of mask except black and white skull and my helmet. believe it or not my head starts to sweat...
Can't do the helmet thing. It's bad luck..... It's like insurance.... you are actually betting you will bite it and hit the ground... Just be a good rider and not fall off :P I'm not gonna hate on yall for wearing them.... gimmie the same respect why don't ya ;) and if i was to end up in a hover round..... hey... at least i'll be living for free off the government and use some of the money to customize my blaster so i can ride it again HA...
Ill bet you have a sweet mullet under all that apparel and in most crash videos I've seen on TV and the Internet the guy with no helmet doing the wrecking and not getting hurt usually has one.(Not sayin you crash often) I'm pretty sure it has something to do with the gel to hair ratio to absorb the impact. And heck ill bet with some testing they could get it DOT approved. However dig the ninja turtle mask lmao.:p
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I agree that it's retarded to not wear a helmet but there's no reason to hound the guy becaus he chooses not too( I know it's a flame fest here everytime someone posts a video without a helmet). If he wants to end up a vegetable in the hospital after his face meets a rock or tree then that's his decision. I don't see why you wouldn't want to wear one but whatever floats your hospital gown. I couldn't imagine getting smacked in the face by all the branches that smack my helmet while riding... No thanks.

I'm sure everyone that's bitching about no helmet take risks in life that others would deem unessesary and foolish. Be it speeding while driving or skiing or whatever. Life is full of taking risks, it's up to you as an individual, not somebody else, to decide what risks you are willing to take.

I stay perfectly warm with a helmet in the winter though, sometimes I will put a beanie underneath but I usually sweat without one. Can't wait for the snow to come and cover up all the rocks and nasty bumps... Natures Elka's for a couple months I:I