Clutch Problems...any ideas?


New Member
Jun 16, 2011
About a week ago I removed my parking brake as it was messed up after I reinstalled a clutch lever. Bought this parking brake block off plate. It works fine, but I noticed afterward that if I hold my clutch lever when in gear it is hard to push my blasty. Before if I held it it felt like it was in neutral. Really easy to push. Now if I want to move it I have to put it in neutral. I was fine with this till I realized that I would have to ride the clutch with the blasty in gear when going down steep hills. I don't know if it would hurt it or not but I would like to make sure first.

Do you guys think it is something with the clutch that is messed up or is the removal of the parking brake to blame?

Any help/ideas is/are appreciated. :)
Doubt its the parking brake, though you could unbolt it to see if it makes a difference.
It could be your clutch needs adjusted.

Hmm...Do you mean adjustment at the handlebars or by the engine?

don't roll down big hills with the clutch in. bad things will happen

When I said ride the clutch I meant going really slowly down using the brakes on hills that are almost straight up. B) However I have not heard I shouldn't ride the clutch down hills. What happens if I do I'm curious now. Does it break it? Does going slowly mess it up as well or is it only when you go fast? Have I been riding my blastly wrong? :eek:
I'm talking about the adjustment in the clutch. You have to take the clutch cover off.

Here's how awk08 does it vvvvv

here we go again, lucky im just copy and pastin this...............
it took me 4 or 5 times to get this right, very frustrating,
do all this with the cable disconnected at the hand lever so it doesnt effect the internal adjustment,
open her up, again!!!, loosen the locknut and screw, back it out a little, (the adjustment shaft in the middle of the clutch basket)
then where the cable connects to the motor lever,theres a notch that lines up, look on the engine lever for the little point and a mark on the case, line these up, make sure it doesnt move while adjusting, a freind would be good here,
then move to the other side, tighten the rod in with a small straight screwdriver till you feel it touch, then i think i read somewhere to back it off 1/2 a turn,then tighten the locknut, <<<<definately use locktite here, mine almost came loose, and thats disaster,
then reconnect the cable to the hand lever, and adjust your slack
i also did this with the wheels off the ground, so i could spin them with the clutch lever pulled in,to see if the wheels spun free, or if there was engine lag as i released it, before i put it all back together
I'm talking about the adjustment in the clutch. You have to take the clutch cover off.

Here's how awk08 does it vvvvv

Yes, that sounds exactly like my problem. Thanks, I will have to try that tomorrow.
there are pieces inside the clutch that can become welded together by coasting down a long fast hill with the clutch pulled. there are two rods and one ball inside the clutch shaft. swear i'm not makin dirty jokes. lol they press toghter with the clutch pulled in. and all that spinning and friction welds them togther=bad day
there are pieces inside the clutch that can become welded together by coasting down a long fast hill with the clutch pulled. there are two rods and one ball inside the clutch shaft. swear i'm not makin dirty jokes. lol they press toghter with the clutch pulled in. and all that spinning and friction welds them togther=bad day

That does sound very bad. Since it requires friction I'm good if I go slow then. Glad I now know this lol. I learn something new everyday, and this something saves me money. I:I