I snapped two the first time I put my clutch back together right after I bought the Blaster. I have to say, I was mightly concerned that a steel bolt would snap before an aluminum thread would strip. When the 2nd one snapped, I tested my BRAND NEW torque wrench, and I realized I wasn't used to the clicker on it, it was much lighter than my 20-180 ft-lb torque wrench and I couldn't feel it or hear it (music was off). So I just went back to what I described above, kinda trusting the tension of the spring (why do they torque those screws with that much of a spring anyway, helical spring washers have about the same amount of tension once as when you compress the spring that much...give or take), but also adding the Loctite (right or wrong) for reassurance. I will say, I only added the loctite to the threads about 3/4 toward the head and only a very light dot on the screw (yes I know it "spreads" when you thread them in) that covers 2 threads...just enough for the friction.