Clutch Basket and Primary Driven Gear Fix


New Member
Oct 26, 2009
Is There a way or some method to fix the back and forth motion between the clutch basket and the primary driven gear the manual says if there is any to replace it. Can it be welded or reriveted or even put bolts in place of the rivets any help or suggestion would help I don't want to have to replace it if I don't have to and save myself $140.00 Thanks J
Are you implying that the rivets are actually not holding it together any more.That would be a first of me hearing this issue.I guess you could weld it or buy an aftermarket basket.When you buy an aftermarket basket you need to drill out those rivets and use the gear and rubber cushions behind it.Then it bolts together.
If I weld it do you think it would throw the thing out of balance. My basket and gear are in real good shape hardley any sign of wear the rivets and plate look perfect. The movement is the only thing wrong according to the manual
i think i'm gonna try the drill and tap method... just to get me by for a while i'll let you guys know if it works or not