Clutch Arm Adjustment


New Member
Feb 11, 2011
Can someone tell me how to adjust the clutch arm? Its setting in about the 2 oclock position and is hitting the carb. Also what is the easiest way to install a killswitch. My fourwheeler is set up like a dirtbike, it doesnt have a battery. I would like to use just a simple universal switch from the hardware store if i can.
if you look at the clutch arm from the opposite side of the bike(side with the exhaust) you should see that the point of the clutch arm should line up with a mark on the casing. my motor is out of the frame right now so heres a pic of the mark


for the killswitch you could get a stock kill/light switch assembly, stock key switch, dirtbike style push button killswitch, or a tether switch