Cleaning your Air Filter


New Member
Mar 17, 2010
Bedford, IN
Here is another one that I figured might help some people out. There were some links to do this but they were broken so figured I'd do another write up to maybe help out again with new guys, again like myself.

This is how K&N suggest cleaning their filters, and I imagine that it works with most.

Cleaning your Air Filter:

1st- Apply K&N filter cleaner to the CLEAN side of the filter.
2nd- Apply K&N filter cleaner to the DIRTY side of the filter.

Let this soak in for about 10 minutes without letting it dry. This will help to loosen the dirt but the cleaner should not dry into the filter.

3rd- Rinse with cool light flowing water so as not to damage the pleats. Don't pressure wash it, not a good idea at all. Rinse until all traces of the cleaner are gone. If it is still dirty after the cleaner is gone then you should repeat steps 1 and 2.

4th- After you have finished cleaning gently shake off the filter to get large amounts of water off. Then allow for the filter to dry naturally. Do not attempt to speed the process up or oil before dry.

I will just copy and paste this from the K&N page. Enjoy.

Apply K&N Air Filter Oil liberally to the dirty side of the filter only. This will allow for a visual reference of complete coverage.

A. If using a K&N squeeze bottle, squeeze bead of oil along the crown of each pleat using the lip on the squeeze bottle tip as a guide. Utilize graduated view strip on bottle to dispense proper amount of oil.

B. If using a K&N aerosol spray, spray an even amount of oil along the crown of each pleat.

Wait 20 minutes for the oil to be absorbed into the filter media. Inspect the clean side of the filter for any areas that are lighter in color. Touch up these areas in the media by applying oil to the dirty side of the filter. Continue oiling procedure until there is an even red color over the entire surface of the clean and dirty side of filter.