Clean White Plastics. PROBLEM SOLVED!


May 31, 2010
okay guys. i know some other people out there have white plastics and i'm sure you have found out that it is a pain to keep clean and looking good. well i think i just hit the spot! here is how to make your white plastics look like new! All you need is 409 or another household cleaner with a small amount of bleach in it, and mr. clean magic erasers(i find extra strength work the best)

first of all get rid of all loose mud or dirt. i pressure wash mine but some people say not to do that so use ur method of choice.

next go one fender at a time and follow this order:
1. drie excess water off fender
2. spray 409 onto a paper towel
3. wipe 409 over entire fender trying to remove any dirt
4. spray off excess 409 with a hose
5. dry water off the fender
6. follow directions for preparing magic eraser and scrub the fender. don't be afraid to use some elbow grease for the tricky spots. scrub until the fender is white. this will take off that yellowish tint you can get on white plastic.
7. spray the unknown magic chemicals off of your fender and dry
8. Enjoy your white plastics that are white again!

P.S. this works good if you remove a sticker and you have the spot on your plastic that is cleaner than everywhere else
My YZ has white plastics, I get some kind of purple kitchen degrease from work, its suppose to be cut in half with water but I use it straight. Works Amazing! It even takes the off nasty gunk that builds up on the carb or right on the exhaust port of the blasty with ease. I love it. Ima be sad when I don't work there and can't get that stuff anymore.
best way to keep your plastics looking new is to go out and get some blue painters tape, claen your bike if its not already, then proceed to cover the entire plastics with the tape. when you go riding your bike will get dirty, but thats okay, simply peel off the tape and you will have a perfectly clane bike. the only catch is that it has to be clean before you apply the tape.