Cigarette prices


New Member
Mar 19, 2009
I know this is really random but it pisses me offX( cigarettes are going to be going over 8 dollars a pack! they are at 7.40 or something like that now! what are some prices in other places?
my stepdad smokes, like 2 packs a day.. and here there around 5 a pack, i couldnt smoke.. the thaught of taking away 70.00 a week of my blasty money
Uh, well, I thought I was in bad shape. I was buying buy 1 get 1 free Marlboro Smooth when I could...$25.99 a carton! They average about 4.99 a pack here. My wife bought me a carton of Sonoma for $26.00. $8 a pack! That's crazy. I have been trying to quit but...but...and then theres...and...of course...oh, and...

Still fairly cheap here...might I suggest............................
its crazy, if one smokes 2 packs a day, at 5 a pack thats 70.00 a week, 280 a month and over 3,500 a year... hell thats the price of a new blasty in 06
yeah it just pisses me off how they jack the tax up on them here thats the only reason they are going up cause of tax
I'd be lucky to make $12k a year. Then again, the cost of living is not bad at all. Except the electric bill!!!! I'll never let myself run out of dry wood again! I spend about $30 a week in smokes. I was going to quit for money reasons not health...go figure. Most of the members of my family died of cancer - 80% didn't smoke. Always figured I'd have an excuse. Now a days - it's actually easier to die from being broke...
yeah its the government, did anyone know back in 2000 the government was going to outlaw cigs, but each tobacco companys paid the government over 8 billion dollars to stay in buisiness? quick fact for you
knew that...being from tobacco country. Clifton Forge, Va by the way. It's come up in the past. That's's my home town
$7.80 a pack here.Times two packs a day,one for me and one for wife.So were talking $450-475 a month.Not good but it's addiction.
damn thats less than my rent... i wanna invent something like a cigg, something everyone will get addicted to and buy everyday...