Chuck Norris Brother

they say Chuck Norris was suppose to be a twin, but in the womb, he roundhouse kicked the twin and they never saw it again.
if he was aborted, he would be dead. sorry
but chuck norris' family is american and texan, they wouldn't drink some sh*tty mexican beer.
macgyver has my vote..... i mean chuck is bad ass... but i never once seen him make a welding stick from a leadpipe and a bicycle..... and chuck had a sidekick.....

ill take hate now...
macgyver has my vote..... i mean chuck is bad ass... but i never once seen him make a welding stick from a leadpipe and a bicycle..... and chuck had a sidekick.....

ill take hate now...

chuck norris just stares at the two pieces of metal till they weld themselves together out of fear.
i've been saying i'm gonna make a perody vid of that commercial, i needa start video'n my work partner, he wines and cries about every little thing imaginable, i've already told him to get in his daddy's closet, grab his favorite necktie and just get this miserable life over with, because he is...............
the most miserable man in the world chuck where they got the inspiration for.....
"men who stare at goats" ?????????