this is starting to cross the borderline into commercial advertising, which is only permitted for site sponsors.
i know it was started by rich1, supposedly from an email he was sent.
but seems funny as soon as some questions arised about these, a representitive of alba joined, jumped in on the conversation and posted links to these on alba's website,
like maybe this was a set-up from the get go ?
here's the rules that apply to posting of links, and advertising of goods by reps of any commercial businesses
Commercial Advertising and Solicitation
- We do not allow people to post threads or to send private messages or emails to users that advertise or solicit any products, services, funds or donations.
- Explicit advertising and soliciting in signatures, avatars, profile, threads, etc. is also prohibited. This includes posting a URL, telephone number, or other contact information with the intent of advertising a commercial product/website/business.
- Note: Site sponsors are allowed to advertise in their signature and in the forum section dedicated specifically for their business -
- Supporting non commercial members are able to advertise in the "Advertising" Section only.
don't get me wrong patrick, alba is a good company and has been serving us blaster owners for many years,
i remember back in the 90's, a decked out alba blaster that could be had for the same price as a new stock blaster from the dealership.
but if you'd like to continue to advertise on here, you'll need to become a site sponsor.
rich, if you want to post a good deal from now on, there is a good deal thread already running, find and use it.
or if you actually have the product, you can do a review of it in the parts review section