Man up to it, boys! Feel the recoil, enjoy the pain!
Why, back in my day....(long boring tirade about guns from before anyone was born...)
Hey, guns were my third favourite thing, behind going fast and going fast with ladies.
I did get to play with rifle muzzle brakes, owned a shotgun with a Cutts Compensator, and even fired a 300 Win Mag with a suppressor can.
All of these things really did reduce perceived recoil noticeably, so I say go for it. Anything ported will help.
Yeah, here is a picture of what I had for a Cutts Compensator:
Ugly beasty, but really tamed down a 12ga.
I got to put 12rds through a hot loaded 375H&H once too, 6 with a muzzle brake on and 6 with it removed.
Still kicked like hell but with the muzzle brake on the barrel did not rear up as bad.
12 shots, no lead bag, not bad at the time but next day my shoulder bruised to the bone.