Check out this collection of bike and trikes

Thats cool an what not but why have all those nice bikes, and then just have them sitting there?! He should get em' dirty and enjoy them!
I say Not cool. just think of all the fun someone else could be having with those bikes. thas like all those queers that have classic cars sitting on carpet in a garage that only see road time in a trailer
yea its not cool that there not getting ridden but also think about how much value they loose gettings dirty, scrathced, wrecked, in another 10, 20,30,40 years, think how much those could be worth if he could keep them in that condition
I wouldn't ride those things either. At least down the road there will be some old school bikes that don't look beat to sh*t. They'll basically be like they were in the show room.
nice collection indeed.. to each their own. I have more bikes than I can ride at once but not NEARLY as many as him lol. I hope to build mine into beasts modded out but still clean :D I'd love to have a 500r in my trx lol. is that even possible? that's what a cr500r motor or some dirtbike motor right? I'd imagine it'd move a quad fairly easily lol
lol but if i had a super oldschool car i probably wouldnt drive it much either.. especially the way ppl drive now days.. i just seen a oldschool get nailed by a suv after a car show last weekend. i woulda be pisssssssssed!
thats really cool how he restores them. quite complaining that they don't get ridden he showed you two that does get ridden aint like he don't ride
nice collection indeed.. to each their own. I have more bikes than I can ride at once but not NEARLY as many as him lol. I hope to build mine into beasts modded out but still clean :D I'd love to have a 500r in my trx lol. is that even possible? that's what a cr500r motor or some dirtbike motor right? I'd imagine it'd move a quad fairly easily lol

people put the 500 in the trx's. The only downside is that they vibrate like crazy and after 20 minutes of riding you cant feel your arms from the elbows down.