thats similar to what i did to a cheating ex, except she's prolly still goin to get tested, hahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
about a year after we split, i heard she was tellin some of our mutual freinds a bunch of bullshit lies about our time together, so i got online and downloaded some headlines and graphics from the "cdc - center for disease control" and typed up an official looking letter stating that she had been identified as a sexual partner of someone who had just been disgnosed as having an active case of the aids virus, not just hiv+, but full blown aids, and this was a new policy they had started to try and combat this terrible disease, blah blah blah, and that she should get tested every 6 months for the next 10 years, and i'm sure her thinkin this is possible is driving her insane mentally,
so i did hear she told someone about this and was really worried and was getting tested, hahahaaaaaa, got that biotch didnt i???? best part of it is, she still has about 4 years to go for testing, then i'm gonna tell her i did it, no sense to have revenge without them knowing ya did it