cheap nerf bars


New Member
Feb 4, 2008
toledo ohio
Rockymountain atv mc has cheap nerf bars. they are tusk comp and are only 79.99. please dont tell me they are junk cause i just bought some red ones to match my 05 blaster, lol
Actually, the nerf bars are one of the better Tusk products. They may not be as durable as brands like AC racing, but they're lighter and for that price you can't complain much. They're actually the exact same thing as the Alba Pro Elite nerfs, i mean exact. They're definitely made on the same assembly line and just have different names etched into them. I don't think you'll be disappointed in them.

The only thing i'm not sure about is the durability of the anodized coating they used. Hopefully it doesn't rub off too easily.
i have the tusk bars and they are really nice why spend money on nerfbars like dg if they will just break like any other nerfbars out there. these tusk nerf bars that i have can handle alot of abuse for being cheaper than other brands
Tusk is made by Rockymountian so that is why they go for so cheap. There is no differance in quality just price