Changing tires

OConnor Racing

Mines Bigger
Forum Supporter
Dec 1, 2009
We need an expert to do one of these. I'm soooooooooooo sick of changing tires and would really like to some of the tricks of the trade. I just got my wife new rims. I took her front tires and and put them on the new rims and bought new tires for the back. Took 1.5 hours to do it. Has to be a better way. I have a bead breaker and a couple of spoons. Let's hear it!
Yea seems the smaller the tire the harder it is to get off the rim.. We have a tire machine at our disposal but Sounds like you got the right tools just a pain in the Ars job.
just remember to move the part of the bead you have on already to the "dish" of the rim, dont keep it on the bead part of the rim.

John in Vegas
well after you get the tire on the rim yall no how much of a pain it is to get the tire to seat and hold a bead, well here is the fast but really dangerous way to do it, and i have never done this but it looks fun, get some lighter pluid, carb cleaner, something flamable, then spray it all in the tire, get a flame of some sort, wether its a lighter, lite paper, something, throw it in the tire and BOOM instant tire seat
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