Cdr kickass on race gas

so i got good news.....the fedex man came to my door today...unfortunately i wasnt home,on duty, but the wife was so she took some pics for me, not the greatest but i will have some on the bike tomorrow hopefully,thanks 442!!

here they are....

more parts on the way...
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it friggin sux because i have duty sat then i have duty the day before we leave for cali for a month...

can't say i feel that bad for you... i mean your going to cali for a month!! must be nice we go to wainwright alberta or suffield alberta for training and let me tell you its no cali lol
so i got good news.....the fedex man came to my door today...unfortunately i wasnt home,on duty, but the wife was so she took some pics for me, not the greatest but i will have some on the bike tomorrow hopefully,thanks 442!!

here they are....

more parts on the way...

parts look great! i love that rear plastic!! im hopen to get one in black next winter build lol
I assume tater has an original cast piston .... which is why it is discontinued
no, i wouldn't run that crap in my weedwacker. i just like to keep up to date on what pistons are being produced (quality forged) I:I

well i wasnt quick enough to get a forged one and they are on backorder, i have never seen a cast piston go bad due to bad workmanship or quality, just human error...

i am going to run a cast piston with the reassurance of ken oconnor it will be fine, which i may swtich to a forged one on a later date when the motor is ready for rebuild
ok so here is what i got done today with my new PARTS!! just mocked it up and i have to get the mounting hardware for the plastics.
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IT SURE IS!!! ken said hes shipping my motor here soon so when i get back from cali ill be able to put it all together. all i will need is front shocks and an airbox, and roundhouse swinger
no someone snagged em before i got the email out for em, im getting some works shocks i believe, or elkas if i can find a pair for a good price
haha ill pay someone to do it before i do, i got better things to do, lol

most ill have blinged is the thumb throttle

Funny you say that. I threw a few pieces of mine very very hard and thought i might have to buy a new one. I couldnt polish for someone else because its hard not to launch and mess up parts. I was looking at cascade inovations at there polishing and its so damn nice on there carbs and throttles and all sorts of polished and chrome goodies. Cascade Innovations Store