carb/throttle question

beaten blaster

New Member
Oct 7, 2012
upstate ny( plattsburgh)
first sorry for so many questions.. i took my carb off today and did the rebuild kit to when i try to install the carb to the damn tors i have no throttle at the thumb.but when i take the carb off the thumb throttle works just fine.question is there a certain way to put the tors back on the top of the carb?that thing covering the spring does it go in a certain way?thanks for every ones time.jason
Is the slide inserted properly and making it the the bottom of the carb.

There is a little brass fitting in the carb body that must be lined up with the slot that runs the full distance of the slide.

This will allow the spring to push the slide to the bottom.
as blaaster said if the lug on the inside of the carb isn't lined up with slot on the drum, it will not slide down into the carb properly, eventhough it will go back together withoug a problem. look inside the carb and look at the slide that goes inside it. see the lug in the carb and the slot on the slide? those two have to line up to work, and the needle has to go into the hole in the bottom of the carb