Carb problem


New Member
Feb 12, 2014
Okay I took my carb off to clean it as it was leaking fuel out of the overflow. Too the jets and float off so I could get everything good and clean. Well I put the carb back on and now no fuel is getting to the float bowl. I put everything back correct so what's the issue? Sorry for the stupid question but I can't figure it out I've took it off 10 times trying to fix it but no luck.
Yes great flow from tank...and yes I cleaned everything very we'll let it soak and blew out 3 times with air hose
Turn the fuel on. ;) if its low turn it to reserve.. That or the needle and seat are clogged or the floats sticking like Harley said. Check that petcock is flowing. start from the tank and work towards the carb. Also that vent tube isn't glogged on gas cap..