carb leaking


New Member
Mar 16, 2012
so i took my carb off to clean it i cleaned the whole carb and put it all back together and when i turned the gas on my quad it started flwoing out of the carb i didnt forget any pieces and put everything back the same way anyone know any suggestions
Either some crap in the needle and seat, the needle not inserted correctly, the rubber tip damaged, or the float bent and sticking to float bowl.
HA TOLD YA!!!!! just turn the set screw tighter so it wont flow out of the nippple. but if its tight already, and its still leaking, u might need to replace the bowl, take the screw out and clean it, or use lock tight in the nipple to seal it.
It all leaks outta the bottom of the carb

The needle is not seating and allowing fuel in without shutting it off.

Pull the bowl off and make sure the needle does in fact stop the flow when you gently raise the float with your finger.

Just swing the carb over on its side, remove the bowl, flip the carb back upright, turn on the fuel a see if is stops with upward pressure on the float.

If it stops the problem could be the float height setting or the float jamming against the side of the bowl.

I have also known the needle to just drop out of the seat whilst fitting the float, chances are it is not even in the seat.
HA TOLD YA!!!!! just turn the set screw tighter so it wont flow out of the nippple. but if its tight already, and its still leaking, u might need to replace the bowl, take the screw out and clean it, or use lock tight in the nipple to seal it.

You prolly right I didn't anticipate that senario. Good call.

I have never had one leak there so I never even thought it could be the problem.
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th needle on the way way bottom of the carb where the shifter side is. it should have a hose on it that drains out. just tighten that screw. if it still leaks, take it out and clean it and the threads inside the hole and try it again. if it still leaks, u need to replace the bottom of the carb. or use lock tight in the nipple. (u wont be able to take the gas out if u do).

which arrow? top or bottom?
If it's bowl drain (bottom arrow) it's just drain valve, small screw very bottom of side of bowl (by arrow) If it's upper arrow (overflow tubes) it's float related. Check all things mentioned plus make sure the wire on float needle is hooked to tab/tang on float. Also sounds like you need to either download a manual/buy a Clymers and search Youtube for vids to watch. jlsparky7 has a good Banshee/Blaster carb vid
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